Mound of the Beastmen
Source: Link
Author: Mathieu Pascal Size: 112 MB Originally Created: 2017 Remade: January 23, 2021

One of the best fan-made adventures out there. This adventure didn't actually need a remake as it was already exceptionally well made. So you might aswell print the original files instead of my remake for this one!

Questmaps in this Quest was made using Heroscribe by Derfel Link

Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4 Map 5 Map 6

Requirements (in addition to the US Game System)

- Wooden Exit Door x1
- Open Door x5
- Coffin x8
- Fireburst Token x3

- Lever x4
- Outdoor Tiles x6
- Pit Room x1
- Runic Room x1
- Herdstone x1
- Hall of Storms x4

- Artifact x5
- Shaman Spells x6
- Monster x4
- Men-at-Arms x4


- Scout x2
- Swordsman x4
- Halberdier x4
- Crossbowman x1
- Chaoshound x2
- Beastman x3
- Shaman x1
- Beastlord x1